Lirik Lagu "Could it be" oleh Raisa Yang Banyak Suka

Lirik Lagu "Could it be" oleh Raisa Yang Banyak Suka - Hello all. Good morning, afternoon or evening and hopefully always healthy. Song Lyrics Word, On this occasion we will be sharing the lyrics of the: Lirik Lagu "Could it be" oleh Raisa Yang Banyak Suka. The lyrics may post helps you to channel the talent and hobby in singing. Well, following his lyrics the songs free and full only. If you want to learn to Guitar Click Here! For Guitar Chords

Title : Lirik Lagu "Could it be" oleh Raisa Yang Banyak Suka
Label : Lirik Lagu, POP, Raisa

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Lirik Lagu "Could it be" oleh Raisa Yang Banyak Suka

Lirik Lagu "Could it be" oleh Raisa berikut ini :

Kau datang dan jantungku berdegup kencang
Kau buatku terbang melayang

Tiada ku sangka getaran ini ada
Saat jumpa yang pertama

Mataku tak dapat terlepas darimu

Perhatikan setiap tingkahmu
Tertawa pada setiap candamu
Saat jumpa yang pertama

Could it be love, could it be love

Could it be, could it be, could it be love

Could it be love, could it be love

Could this be something that I never had
Could it be love

Mataku tak dapat terlepas darimu

Perhatikan setiap tingkahmu
Tertawa pada setiap candamu
Saat jumpa yang pertama

Could it be love, could it be love

Could it be, could it be, could it be love

Could it be love, could it be love

Could this be something that I never had
Could it be love

Oh mungkinkah ini cinta

Could it be love, could it be love

Could it be, could it be, could it be love

Could it be love, could it be love

Could this be something that I never had
Could it be love

Thus Lirik Lagu "Could it be" oleh Raisa Yang Banyak Suka

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