Lirik lagu "The Game" oleh Dragon Force Album Metal

Lirik lagu "The Game" oleh Dragon Force Album Metal - Hello all. Good morning, afternoon or evening and hopefully always healthy. Song Lyrics Word, On this occasion we will be sharing the lyrics of the: Lirik lagu "The Game" oleh Dragon Force Album Metal. The lyrics may post helps you to channel the talent and hobby in singing. Well, following his lyrics the songs free and full only. If you want to learn to Guitar Click Here! For Guitar Chords

Title : Lirik lagu "The Game" oleh Dragon Force Album Metal

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Lirik lagu "The Game" oleh Dragon Force Album Metal

Lirik lagu "The Game" oleh Dragon Force berikut ini :
Messed up, once again
told me it's OK
but this path that I'm taking
I'm lost in the deep end

One last chance, never more
told me it's all right
in this sea of denial
I'm cleansed in the fire

So why is it me,
am I blinded or too blind to see?
[growl] (am I too blind to see?!)
why was I born?
not a part of this society?

Again and again I tried
so hard, to reach for the stars
but I failed you all
tried to keep standing tall
never had a real chance at all
but still I'm searching

Same thing, different day
tried to make a change
left with nothing more to live for
but everything to die for
humanity, insanity, the everlasting grip
lost all will to keep trying
our bed we must lie in

So why was I born
Not a part of this society?

Again and again I tried
so hard, to reach for the stars
but I failed you all
tried to keep standing tall
never had a real chance at all
but still I'm searching for

Ten thousand ways to say sorry
but life writes its own tragic story
time marches onwards and
nothing can ever be the same

But we'll pray for a brighter tomorrow
break free from this lifetime of sorrow
years pass us by but we're all just a part of the game


I tried so hard
to reach for the stars
but I failed you all
tried to keep standing tall
never had a real chance at all
but still I'm searching

For ten thousand ways to say sorry
but life writes its own tragic story
time marches onwards and
nothing can ever be the same

But we'll pray for a brighter tomorrow
break free from this lifetime of sorrow
years pass us by but we're all just a part of the game

Thus Lirik lagu "The Game" oleh Dragon Force Album Metal

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